Chrysler Repair: heater motor not blowing, chrysler new yorker, panel button

Hi Roland,I have a 1989 Chrysler New Yorker Fifth Avenue with the 3.0 litre V-6.It has the touch electronic heater/AC controls.It has the 5 buttons/off/panel/auto/floor/defrost in the center and the temp(right side) and fan(left side) adjustments.The A/C button is on the upper middle just to the left of the small digital readout.
My problem is that the heater motor will not turn on.The head unit has power to it and the buttons seem to work but the motor just never fires up.I have swapped in a spare head unit but that made no difference.I have hot water in the heater core I just can't get the fan to blow.
Is there a way to test the motor?Any advice you could give would be apprieciated.

I would begin by checking whether fuse #10, 30 amp is patent because that one is dedicated to the blower motor. If it is alright then I would try the self diagnostic test of the unit: You warm up the engine, and turn off the headlamps if on. You begin by selecting panel. Then you simultaneously hit the defrost, floor, and auto buttons and watch for all the symbols and indicators to light up (maybe flashing?), the blower motor should come on "high", air should come out of the panel outlets, air should become hot then cycle to cold. If any of these things don't happen tell me which. Then either: the blower will stop and a fault code will be displayed (1 thru 18) or
: display will return to prior to test settings. If you get a code, note it and press the panel button for test to resume. Continue till the display returns to prior to test setting.
Then let me know what happened/codes came out.
I can give you some troubleshooting of the wiring for the motor if the fuse isn't the answer and you don't get any trouble codes.