Chrysler Repair: compressor for the AC, proper lubrication, warranty period

Do you know what the cost for replacing the compressor would be?  Can you use a rebuilt compressor? I have a 1999 Sebring convertible, I had no trouble with the AC then one day it started to smoke and smell when I took it to a mechanic and he said the compressor needs to be replaced.  thank you

Hi Carol,
Sorry to say I have not had a compressor quit on any of my cars so I can't give you a firm idea of a price. The compressor (and the refrigerant) itself is probably the major cost rather than the labor because the compressor is quite accessible for replacement. Care is necessary in handling the system and replacing the refrigerant to assure proper lubrication and subsequent functionality. So the reputation of the shop is worth investigating if you know anyone who has used their services. The relative cost and warranty period of the new vs. rebuilt compressor is relevant to consider and also the nature of the warrranty (what specifically is warranted and what cost/labor is or is not covered). Those are the sorts of thing I would investigate. Let me know what you find out and how it works out if you would be so kind as to take the time to do that.