Chrysler Repair: Turn signal switch, chain affiliation, fwd cars

I am looking for a turn signal switch for my 85 leBaron (notGTS)  Is there any after market or repar kit avail?  I have tilt and all I seam to find is without tilt?  The dealer has it at over $100!  I got the switch to work for about 1 week by opening the column up and aligning the unit.

Hi Ed,
I have the '85 shop manual and looked up the procedure for removing the switch, etc. It appears that in '85 all the FWD cars used the same switch in the tilt column except the k-body vehicles (omni, horizon, charger, turismo). So looking for a used one might be a little broader than you thought. Check that out with the dealer parts dept. The same may be true for 86 and 87. The more cars that used that switch the more likely you can find it at a pull it yourself wrecking yard. Do you have access to such a yard?
It also has a very specific set of instructions for removal which I would be pleased to xerox and mail to you. I doubt there is another source fir the switch but try your local parts stores with a national chain affiliation (NAPA).