Chrysler Repair: Evaparator core R&R, postal mail, chysler

1996 chysler t&c lxi 3.8 instructions on replacement

Hi Bill,
If you mean that you want to replace the evaporator in the heater/ac unit in the cabin, then you will need to empty the refrigerant first (I think you may have to go to an ac shop to have them do it and save it for, maybe over a weekend? I haven't really done that myself but it makes sense to not waste it. The detached tubing should be capped to minimize the deposition of water vapor in the system). Then there is a 20 step procedure for removing the housing. Once you get the housing out from under the dash it looks pretty easy to replace the evaporator. I have the '93 Chrysler van shop manual which is probably no different than for your '96. There are a couple of pages I could xerox and postal mail to you, otherwise if you need to know sooner I can type in the list of steps if that is helpful for you. Let me know your needs and a mailing address if you want me to send you the pages, no charge.