Chrysler Repair: Headlight wont stay up..., fuse panel, vacuum motor

I have a 91 Chrisler Newyorker 5th ave.
very suddenly it just stoped letting the lights go up. Its the V6 4 door 3.3

Someone told me its a vacume hose, but I really dont know enough about it. if there a reason that the headlight lids will not stay up that I can fix myself?

Hi Randy,
No the doors are operated by an electric motor, not a vacuum motor. In the circuit there is the circuit breaker in position #2  mounted above the fuse panel, and two relays in the powerdistribution center under the hood (one for opening the doors, the other for closing the doors. You could try switching those two for oneanother and see if the doors then open but won't close which would tell you that the relay that was in the open the door position is no good, for example.) One other component is the body computer located on the passenger side of the interior, just to the right of the passengers right shin area. It too can be tested if necessary. But first, after trying to switch out the 2 relays in the power distribution center box, would be to stand in front of the car and have a ftiend turn on the headlamps and listen for the sound of the motor. If the motor makes a sound and the doors don't move then in all likelihood the gears in the motor are stripped. But if you don't hear the sound of the motor, then it has to be something like the relay, circuit breaker, or body computer. So let me know what you learn from doing those things and we can go on from there. Also verify that the headlamps are coming 'On' even though the doors don't open.