Chrysler Repair: 1988 dynasty, throttle return spring, power steering fluid

i drive an 1988 dynasty that has check engine light that comes on and my friend asked you about the possible problems with that , now while i have very little knowledlge about cars i did notice while checking the oil that the throttle body didn't have a black case covering it and the coil on the throttle body was very thin and stretched and it looked like someone made their own gadget could this be a reason why the light comes on? and what color is power steering fluid? i believe it to be i pink-red but in this car it's a honey yellow is that right ? thank you kelly schnare

Hi Kelly,
Sorry for the delay in responding, the Expert site was down most of the day.
Was it Trudy who wrote earlier? In any case, the black case covering the throttle body: by that do you mean the air filter housing which should have a hose comming to it from the front left corner of the engine compartment, and an air filter inside of it, etc? If that is missing then it would be good to go to a junk yard (pull it yourself type) and try to find a replacement for it. Otherwise, please describe again.
The "coil on the throttle body": do you mean the throttle return spring or again please describe? If the spring seems strectched or altered, again get a replacement from the junk yard or a dealer (as this shouldn't be too expensive to get new, whereas the air filter housing will not be cheap). I don't think a throttle return spring would cause the check engine light to come on. But maybe you are talking about a different part.
The power steering fluid might be yellow, but the important issue is does it smell burnt, or does the power steering seem to not work well? I have to admit I haven't seen yellow power brake fluid but I don't have that much experience with a lot of cars to compare to.
So let ms know. I believe, if it was Trudy who wrote, that the things I suggested to look at based on the code list is the way to find out why the light is coming on.