Chrysler Repair: New Radio Install, chrysler grand voyager, stock radio

I am trying to install a new radio in a 1996 Chrysler grand voyager. I am going from the stock radio to an upgraded one. What color wire is the ignition lead, which color is the battery lead? Also what does the pink wire & the green/red wire do? Sorry if i am draggin on but one more question. WHile trying to install this the gauges (tach, fuel, etc) went out and do not work while the car is on and the power locks and lights do not work when the car is off. All the fuses have been checked and are in good working order. Thanks

I dont do radios,but the wires should be checked using a test light,auto zone.5.95$,you will be able to tell what
wire is hot,and when it is hot,eg.all the time,acc,and when the van is running.I think"get a book" the pink wire goes
to the headlight switch,it controles how "brite" the lights in the radio and red are hot,black is the ground
Derek,while working on the radio,you blew a fuse or dis-
connected a wire.That van has as many as three different
fuse locations.The bigger fuses in the engine compartment
feed the fuses that you "checked".Using your new test light
make shure you have power to the fuse on both sides,if you just take it out ind look at it you are wasting time
and "could" put it back in the wrong place.good luck, tm