Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1987 ford ltd crown vic, crown vic, ford ltd

Hi Vern!..i have an 87 ford ltd crown vic with 110,000 miles...i was at the drive thru and my car cut off and wouldnt start,it would sound like it was gonna but didnt...a pal of mine replaced the spark plugs, wires, ignition coil, and ignition will run now but it runs terrible...feels like its gonna cut off, sounds bad and i smell gas...i tried to check the code thing with the paper clip but it doesnt wk...any ideas would be greatly appreciated:)

Hello Amanda:
If you are smelling gas, you most likely have one or more leaky fuel injectors.
This would cause it to run terrible, as not enough fuel is getting into the cylinders.
Leaky fuel injector can cause a car fire, so have them check right away.