Classic/Antique Car Repair: 12 Volt conversion, 1951 Chevrolet 12 volt conversion

I have a 1951 Chevy half ton pickup that I recently purchased and am trying to restore it to a daily driver. The previous owner converted the electrical system to 12 volts and I would like to have the instruction for this conversion. Could you please recommend where I can find this info or maybe you have already addressed this in one of your previous enquires, if that’s the case just the date the question was asked and I will go into your archives to access it.  I thank you in advance for your assistance.

Very Respectfully
Rick E

Hello Rick,

Twelve volt conversions on a 6 volt system require conversion/replacement of some components like generator, voltage regulator and gauges but do not require replacement of others, such as the starter. This is not the entire list but you get the idea.

I also recommend checking the wiring on the truck as the increased voltage will put Additional stress on what could be already marginal original wires.

I've never written out the full procedure as it would turn a question into an article! Plus the information is available elsewhere. I subscribe to an excellent publication called Auto Restorer ( which you might like to check out. They have had several articles in the past year on 12 volt conversion using your series truck (1948-1952) Chevrolets as examples! This this is because your truck is very popular restoration and is a common 12 volt conversion candidate. Auto Restorer has an article index in the January issue which could help your search.

Finally, avail yourself of the resources of clubs. The VCCA (Vintage Chevrolet Club of America) is excellent and will have members who've done this conversion before and will be most willing to help you!

Best of Luck on this fine vehicle!
