Classic/Antique Car Repair: A maintainance, u bolts, brattons

Hi Jack,
  My 29 tudor has a lean to it.  The passenger side is 1.5 to 2 inches higher than the driver's side.  Any ideas?
  Also, I haven't kept up with maintainance as I know I should.  I just read you comments on engine oil.  How about lube?  My water pump has never leaked and I've never touched it.  Rear end?  I know it should have some attention.
  The car runs great (12 years) and I'm afraid of goofing it up.


For the lube in the strg. gear, the rear end and the trans., use 600 wt lube.  You can get it from any of the Model A suppliers such as Brattons or Snyders.  Just order some myself.  You have to use water pump grease on the pump.  Other grease will wash out.  I found it in one of those big tubes like calk comes in.  You can get this from the parts suppliers also.
Get Les Andrews mechanic handbook and it will tell you what you need to know about keeping it running.  Buy it at the same place.
Now, for the lean;  Get under there and make sure everything looks OK and is tight.  Some people get new springs to fix this prob.  You can try to loosen up the big u bolts on the rear spring, and reposition things, but this is a big job.  My 4 door leaned to the left and I loosened up the u bolts and drove a piece of red oak,(an oak wedge) between the spring and the crossmember and tightened things up again and it has kept me straight for about 7 years.    Not a pretty fix, but I don't lean anymore.  You may get some help from the front spring too.  That might be easier to reposition.

Good luck and get back to me if none of this works.