Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan, brake cables, rear brakes

QUESTION: I am in the process of overhauling the brakes on my 1934 Chevrolet that I am restoring to its original condition.
Q1 I have fitted new brake cables to the front wheels and adjusted the brakes. However when the steering wheel is turned the brakes are applied without pushing the brake pedal.
Q2 To take the brake drums off the back hubs do you have to disconnect the side shafts from the differential?

ANSWER: The cables for the front brakes should have an outer covering on the end of the cable that is attached to the front wheels. This outer cable needs to be securely attached to the brake backing plates at one end and the frame of the car at the other end. If not it will act as you describe. On  the rear brakes is there a big nut in the center of the drum, on the end of the axle shaft? Let me know.

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QUESTION: Hi Brad - Thanks for the quick reply.
The cable runs inside a covering. In two places there are two coverings is this what you are referring to when you refer to the outer covering.
The rear brake drum does not have a big nut in the centre of the drum. However it has a big circular recessed plate with one hole in the outer circumference.
If you have an email address I could send you a digital photo.

ANSWER: Yes this outer covering has to be clamped securely on each end. You can attach a digital photo to this forum.

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Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan, brake cables, rear brakes
Rear Brake Drum  
QUESTION: Thanks again Brad.
Attached photo of the rear brake drum. Please see Q2 in my original submission.

The brake drum should just slip off the axle flange. Now, that U shaped slot at the top right of the hub, is that the remnants of a screw in there? If it is then you might have to drill it out as that is what would keep the drum on the axle if the wheel should fall off when running. Then you might have to use a hammer around the circumference of the drum right over where the hub is on the axle end. Sometimes rust builds up and you need to shock it loose.
Can you send me a shot of the front brake cables?