Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1976 tr6 triumph rear pinion seal replacemeet, Jaguar, Rolls Royce

I would like know if some one can tell me how to replace the rear pinion seal on a 1976 tr6 and if i can do it with out removeing the rear end mounting plate behind the driveshaft flange that bolt to the differential unit. And to the castellated nut was just finger tight and there was only  2 threads showing on the pinion shaft good thing the cotter pin was in it .And how tight will it have to be went i put it back on. The bracket is about 1/8 inch thick and i would have to start the seal threw the bracket first  then trie to line it up or will i half to pull the differential unit it self gould you help me.

Good Morning Larry,

I have volunteered to answer questions that relate to “Automotive Wooden Interior Trim” and I do appreciate you asking me a question, however that is NOT in my area expertise.

Specifically the “Real” wood trim parts found in vehicles like your Triumph, as well as Jaguars, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Bentleys, BMWs, Jensen Healeys, Austin Healeys - etc. etc. etc.

Should you or any of your fellow automotive enthusiasts have interior wood trim in their vehicles....and IF that wood is having trouble.....I can help.

Thank you.

OH, and for what it is worth, I would think that you Might be able to find or order a repair manual for your car, either from a local parts store or Amazon, Borders, eBay etc. or maybe on eBay etc. etc.  It would be a good idea to have one, if you are going to do mechanical work yourself.  

Also for what it is worth, I would think that you might want to search for a classic/vintage car club in your area.  Many folks in clubs are very helpful people and may be able to help you find your answer...making a friend or two in that "world" would be very helpful, especially if you are going to do mechanical work yourself.  Who knows, maybe one of those folks has had the same problem or can assist you personally with the answer to your question.

(I would appreciate you taking the time to Rate my response....thanks)