Classic/Antique Car Repair: brake lights, blown fuse, light bulbs

QUESTION: I have a 1941 chevy. The tail lights and signal lights work but no brake lights,this is a new problem.Any hints would be very helpful.

ANSWER: Does this car have after market directionals? Let me know.

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QUESTION: Yes sir  they are older not sure when they were installed.

ANSWER: One more question please. Do the directionals have a seperate bulb or do they use the stop light filament of the tail light bulbs?

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QUESTION: Dual filaments neither is burnt.

Ok, the most probable cause is a defective stop light switch. The stop light switch is a hydraulic operated unit that screws into the hydraulic system at the master cylinder. With a test light or voltmeter check for current at the terminals of the switch, there should be on live one. If not the problem is back in the wiring or a blown fuse. If you have current have some one step in the brake while holding the test lead on the other terminal. it should come alive. If it does not then the switch is defective. If there is current there then the problem is in the wiring or a defective directional signal switch.