Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1981 F100 wont stay running, ford f100, starter solenoid

QUESTION: I have a 1981 Ford F100 300 L6, hasn't ran since about mid-2000. This past weekend replaced the following with new or remanufactured parts: ignition control box, distributor cap and rotor, spark  plugs and spark plug wires, fuel pump and fuel filter(installed a clear inline between the tank and pump), carburetor (1 barrel),  all rubber fuel lines (3 of them), water pump and water outlet housing, thermostat (195 degree Failsafe), upper and lower radiator hoses, both heater hoses, both alternator belts and power steering belt, alternator and voltage regulator, starter, solenoid and battery. Dropped the fuel tank, cleaned out, put fresh fuel in. Fresh oil and filter.
  Put the new remanufactured carb on, runs for about 15 seconds then dies. Only vacuum lines on are the distributor, transmission and PVC, Other carb outlets capped. Most emissions is off.
   Why isn’t it staying running?

ANSWER: Will it stay running with the ignition switch held in the start position?
Let me know and we will go from there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It starts, then runs for about 15 to 30 seconds with the key in the run position.

The reason for the question of the running with the key held in the start position, there is two separate circuits that energize the ignition coil from the ignition switch. On the start side the ignition resistor wire in the wiring harness is by passed. If the engine runs with the key held in the start position that tells us the problem is in the ignition switch or the ignition resistor wire. If the engine still dies it tells us that the ignition module, pick up coil or some other part is at fault. Try it and let me know.