Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1931 Model A Ford starting problems, spark plug gap, blown fuse

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Bahm,
My husband is having trouble with his 1931 Ford Model A because suddenly it will not start, although it does turn over and crank. He has checked the carburetor for blockages, and he believes it is getting gas. He says that it looks like it is not getting a spark, although he has adjusted the spark plug gap. Is there any way to test the coil to see if it is defective? I do not want to waste your time, but he is so frustrated, I thought I'd try to help since he does not know how to go on the computer. Any advice you can offer would make this grumpy man's wife happier.....Many, many thanks.

ANSWER: Oh, we will get it started.  With the key off, check for fire at both posts of the coil.  Both should be hot.  First make sure the horn works, you may just have a blown fuse,(assuming you have a fuse in the circuit).  Now, turn the key on and make sure the points are closed.  You should have fire at only one of the posts on the coil. If you do have fire at these points, then there is a problem, probably under the distributor plate.  Try the above and get back to me.  Make sure the plugs are clean and not black and fuzzy.  Clean them if necessary.  
If all of the checks above are OK, then turn the key on, take the dist. cap off and snap the points open and closed.  You should get a small spark is everything is OK.
Good luck and have fun with that car.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much for your prompt and informative reply. He checked all that you suggested and everything checks out except there is no spark when he snaps the points open and closed (under the distributor cap). The horn has never worked, so he cannot check that. We appreciate any other advice you might have. (Note: He has that red mechanics handbook, by Les Andrews, but troubleshooting guide has not helped.) Many thanks, Kathleen

With the key on, take the cap off and see if the movable arm of the points is hot when it is in the open position.  It should be hot when not touching anything.  If it is hot, then you must get a spark as they close because the fixed part of the points is grounded.