Classic/Antique Car Repair: 65 Ford Mustang grinding noise when trying to start, ford mustang, alternator

Hey, my 65 mustang started to make a grinding noise when I try to start the car. I attempted to adjust the idle on the carb. last night when i got home after it was running. I did this when the car was off. I went to start the car and it just gave me a grinding noise as if the battery was dead. The interior lights work and the headlights work so i dont think its the battery. The car was giving me a loud screeching noise when it was driving and i was told the alternator was going to need to be replaced soon. I cant figure out why it wont start. It was running fine just last night. If you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Keith:
I am not sure I understand your problem completely, so let me try to clarify what I think you are experiencing...

First of all, alternators wasn't introduced until the early 70's and you have a 65. If someone converted it from a generator to an alternator or it a special manufactured car, that could account for it having an alternator, but you should check to be sure.

The bearings in the alternator could be bad and causing this noise. However, if you have check the battery and it is fully charged, the car should start. Even with a bad alternator, the car should run until the battery is drained of power.

You said the car has a grinding noise when you try to start it. And a loud screeching noise when it was running. These two symptoms lead me to your starter and flywheel. Either the gears on the starter are broken or the gears on the flywheel are broken or both.

The first thing to do is isolate the source of the noise. Have someone try to start it so you can see exactly where the noise is coming from.