Classic/Antique Car Repair: Where to take my car in temecula???, pontiac tempest, temecula area

Hello Dick,
I own a 65 pontiac tempest that has been sitting in my garage for the past three years.  It ran great before, but I can't get it going now (I know little about cars).  Who would you recommend taking it to in the Temecula area? Do you still live in Temecula?  Thanks for your help

I don't know all the shops in Temecula since I do my own work; I don't have much occasion to check them out.  But one shop I can recommend for this sort of problem without hesitation is called TVS (used to be Temecula Valley Smog) - they are on front street, on the east side, at the south end of town, below "old town".   They are a family run shop, with excellent mechanics and a very honest way of doing business.  This is not to say there are not others just as good, just that I think these guys are great.

Yes, I've been here for 30 years, with no plans to leave - and when I do, it will probably be feet first!
