Classic/Antique Car Repair: 54 Pontiac Chieftain, pontiac chieftain, pilot light

Hi Brad, I'm working on a 54 Chieftain that had the wiring under the dash cut. I've gotten most of it figured out except the tail lights. My service manual shows no directional wiring in the schematic. There are 3 wires coming from the rear to under the dash, 2 are individual to left and right, the third splits in the rear to both L. and R.(running lights) Do the brake lights go with the running lights? or the individuals with the directional? Is there more to it then just the directional relay?(is currently missing as well, will replace)? I appreciate any help, time to drive is near!!

Ok, you ready to follow this? If the car has directionals there are two separate wires that run back from the directional switch to the stop light bulbs. The right one is a black wire. The left is a red wire. You should find these two colors coming down the steering column. The directional flasher, that you referred to as a relay, is wired this way. The X terminal on the flasher is connected to the directional fuse and the wire color is a natural color with a red tracer. The L terminal goes up the column and is a natural wire with black and red tracer. The directional pilot light is connected to the P terminal and is a natural color with a black tracer. Hope this helps.