Classic/Antique Car Repair: Replace motor, automatic transmission cars, 1965 ford thunderbird

I have 1965 Ford Thunderbird I will be replacing the 390 motor in the car, my question is the repair manual says to secure the converter assembly? Have no idea how to do this you can't even get to the converter do you have any idea what they are saying in the engine removal and installation manual?

Ok, here is the skinny on securing the Torque Converter. When you remove the nuts or bolts that hold the torque converter  to the flex plate (the name of the lightweight flywheel used in automatic transmission cars) use a small pry bar or long screw driver to push the converter back towards the transmission. This will slide the pilot hub on the front of the converter out of the pilot hole in the crankshaft. Then when you pull the engine the converter will not follow suit, drop on the floor and leak transmission fluid all over the place. If the car is going to stay there and not move until you drop in the new engine then the next step could be optional.If you are going to move the car around I would fabricate a strap that would prevent the torque converter from falling off the front pump and input shaft. I have seen folks use ratchet straps, fabricated steel that bolted to the bell housing bolts, and even Red Green's favorite duct tape. Good luck with the engine swap.