Classic/Antique Car Repair: powerglide wont shift till warm, vacuum modulator, transmission expert

I have an aluminum bodied powerglide in my Chevy 350 powered trike. It has 30,000 miles on it.
It does not slip, and seems to function fine once it is hot. When first running, it will not shift into hi gear for quite a while until it warms up. It will wind out to 6000 rpm and not shift at all. While at speed, if I drop it into neutral, and let the rpm's drop to idle, and then put it back into Drive, sometimes that will encourage it to shift. I have checked for proper level, adjusted the carb linkage, and have changed the vacuum modulator. There was no leakage present. I haven't changed the filter, and the fluid seems to burn quickly. I will change fluid and filter next.
Have you ever heard of this?   I would hate it to be something simple that I might not have thought of. I am not a transmission expert.
thanks for any thoughts!

Of course, I was waiting to say vac modulator, but you have checked that. Sounds like your have build up on the valve body which in a powerglide is a series of small ballbearings.

You might try a transmission cleaning additive, even doubling the dose. If this fails to clear the problem, you need to have it cleaned by a expert. DON'T try this yourself.