Classic/Antique Car Repair: Setting the dwell, feeler gauge, match book

Hello.  I have a 1968 Impala that I am trying to get on the road.  I would like to know how to set the dwell on my points.  I have a 327 engine w powerglide trany.  Thank you.

Hea  ;
    Victor, the  dewll , no  big deal-
 the distributor  has  a lil  window, when it is running you use the right  size  allen key  or  wrench for it and  set it  any place  from  28 thru 32 degrees , where  ever it  sounds the best  at that  is  where you will keep  it  so  it can  be  28-29 -30-31-32  so you listen  for  the  best  sound. and if  you  do not  have  a dwell  meter  you  can  use  a paper  match  book as a feeler  gauge  to get  you started  any way than  open the points  up  a  little  bit  till it  sounds  beter. or  a feeler  gauge at apx. 16 or 18 m will do.
OK  any thing else let me know ok.and  change  the  condenser also, check the  rotor and cap replace  what is needed.plugs, etc. thats a good motor.