Classic/Antique Car Repair: cant start engine, screw driver, quadrajet

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Question - I had an inline filter plus the one in the inlet of the quadrajet, both were clean and installed correctly. I removed the inline filter and am just using the one on the inlet of the carb. The coil is new, but I dont know about the points, but they look ok and seem to be in good condition. Like I said it started fine and ran perfectly the first time but would not start a couple days later. The carb is a rebuilt one and is pumping fuel just fine. I think it might be in the ignition but im not sure.  

ok the first think is to see if you are getting spark<<
if no spark no start !
check for spark tp plugs pull off a wire and have  someone turn it over hold the wire close to the block or put a screw driver in the wire  plug hole and hold it to the motor it should give you a spark if you got one. if no
spark you know you got a elect prob. such as  points, cond, rotor, cap. coil wire, is there  any vacume lines broken?  are all the plug wires on right think that is yours.but look in the book first. if i were you i would still keep that lil brass filter in also. as it acts a lil like a back pressure. hea  was that engine ever running with that new gas filter on that engine? if no take it off and turn it around and re hook it up . also  is the dist cap ok,? also when the carb was re-built who did it, was the guy good, did he squater the jets and did he put in new metering rods to fit the jets, as this is a famous screw up. check spark and get back ok i dont mint.
does the dist turn around when the dist cap is off , if not you got a lot of work so take the cap off and crank the motor to see if the rotor turns around ok. if so good.
do uoy have any of the quadrajets holes pluged up? or caped of. also check p.c.v. shake it if it rattles its good enough. it sounds as if it could be a elect cond. when you turn the engine with the cap off try to see if the points are working open and closing. , than look at rotor is it dirty ,get a new one, and the cap any cracks or dirty contact points  just keep going for spark for now let me know ok buddy.