Dodge Repair: 99 Intrepid/LHS/300M: cigarette lighter, ring pliers, test light

I have had my cigarette lighter replaced & it still doesn't work. Any suggestions to get it to work? The light in the ashtray still works. The fuse is also fine....

Hi Chrissy,
It is a very straightforward circuit: the battery current flows directly to fuse #6 (15 amp) in the junction box behind the left end cap of the dash. A red wire from the fuse goes to the lighter socket so there should be 12 volts measureable at the contact inside the lighter socket if the fuse is good. You can buy a 12 volt test light with a couple of wires to verify whether or not 12 volta is present at the socket or not. If not, then remove the lighter socket from its mounting and test for 12 volts where the red wire connects to it (internal smap ring pliers are needed for that, and I can send you a page that shows how to do that).
I do believe however that fuse 6 may be cracked (and not sppear to be blown) so replacing that fuse might be the easiest thing to do first. It is in the upper rear corner of the box separated from all the other fuses and may be labeled either '6' or '6A6B'.
The light for the box is entirely separate wiring from the lighter socket itself so that alone doesn't prove that the fuse and red wire connection are good.
Please read the PS below.