Dodge Repair: blower motor resistor block: 01 Neon blows on high only, blower motor resistor, internal shorts

i have a 2001 neon  blower motor only works on high. put new resistor in still same problem. when i check the resistor plug unplugged from res. and move fan speed switch it only sends ground to where it supposed to   plug in resistor  all wires have ground at same time.  thanks

Hi Doak,
I am not exactly clear about where you are doing the measurements but it is correct that if you measure the circuits of the resistor plug when removed you should see the ground successively move from 9 to 7 to 1 to 5 as you move the knob from high to low. If you then plug in the resistor and all are grounded simultaneousl regardless of the switch position then I believe that the resistors are shorted together in the replacement resistor block so look carefully for touching to be present between them. Do the readings of the contacts of the block itself, unplugged, show that there is resistances between 9 and the other three pins, or are they all showing 0 ohms which would verify internal shorts in the block?
Please 'rate' my answer (see below).
PS Sorry for the delay but I just found your question in the 'pool' to which Kevin had referred it.