Dodge Repair: 99 Dodge Intrepid, crankshaft position sensor, crankshaft sensor

My 99 Dodge Intrepid, 2.7, was getting harder and harder to start.  Last week, it would just crank over but not start.  Had it towed and it started for them.  I am going to put in a crankshaft position sensor, but not quite sure where it is located.  Can you please help.  Have all new plugs in car.  Original engine still in car.  Runs like a top.  When you step on the gas you get a little blue smoke from the exhaust.  Am I right in replacing that sensor.  Thanks for your help.

The crankshaft sensor is located on the passengers side of the transmission housing, above the differential housing Crankshaft Position Sensor The bottom of the sensor sits above the drive plate

Disconnect electrical connector from crankshaft position sensor.
Remove sensor mounting screw. Remove sensor.
Install sensor and push sensor down until contact is made with the transmission case. While holding the sensor in this position, install and tighten the retaining bolt to 12 N·m (105 in. lbs.) torque.
Connect electrical connector to crankshaft position sensor.