Dodge Repair: Replacement of drivers side headlight bulb on 2004 Dodge Neon, dodge neon, negative cable

How do I go about changing the driver's side headlight bulb on a 2004 Dodge Neon?  I've changed the passenger side one without any problem, so I know the basic procedure.  The problem is that there's no room to get my hand in for the driver's side light.  Even my girlfriend, who has much smaller hands, wasn't able to reach in and do it.  Are there additional steps, or do I need to recruit a six year old for the job?

Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.
Remove screws attaching headlamp module to upper crossmember.
Remove headlamp module from vehicle.
Disconnect wire connector from back of headlamp (HEADLAMP UNIT).
Remove bulb from headlamp unit (HEADLAMP AND HEADLAMP UNIT - CANADA/EXPORT/RHD).