Dodge Repair: 2006 Dodge Gr. Caravan lurching, 2006 grand caravan, grand caravan sxt

I've been dealing with a three week old problem that isn't being answered by the mechanics at our local dealership.  When we accelerate uphill, our 2006 Grand Caravan sxt starts "lurching/shuddering" (I compare it to when you shift a manual trans. from, say, second to third and don't give it enough gas as you let off the clutch) at approximately 35-45 mph.  It seems to do this only if in the 1000-2000 rpm range--so if I 'punch it' before the hill, I can't duplicate the problem.  The mechanic at the dealership (still under warranty) hooked it up to the diagnostic machine, went on a test drive, couldn't duplicate it.  He said he turned off the 'torque converter', should fix didn't.  Any ideas?  They seem to be stumped and in no hurry to help...meanwhile my wife, newborn child, and 2 year old are carpooling everywhere!

Hey Robert,

Im sorry that you are having trouble getting your van diagnosed...Unfortunatly Dodge Usually wont pay us techs a reasonable diagnosis time, if any at all...So when the tech drives your van, If he does not see the problem right away he will kick the van out of his bay asap. Also techs take a huge pay cut doing warranty work because Dodge does not pay enough time to complete the job.  So most techs would rather say "NO PROBLEM FOUND" and move to a paying job.  HOWEVE that should not be YOUR problem should it?

There may be a TSB regarding your problem.  If you send me your VIN I can check.
I will also check with other techs at work tomorrow to see if they have come across your problem.
They will be more helpfull since there is not much chance of your van landing in our bays!!