Dodge Repair: A/C Light blinking 98 Dodge Grand Caravan, dodge grand caravan, battery jumper cables

I recently had to remove the battery from my Caravan to give to my son whose battery was bad.  I put his battery in my van just to drive 30 miles to replace the battery.  Since then, the A/C and max lights blink for 15 minutes and then are fine, even though the A/C is fine.  I have a diagnostic tool and have gone through the "fix" at least 3 times.  Each time when the final button is pushed, the blinking returns.

hello danny
the tucks and cars of today . if you remove the bat then it causes the compuiter to louse the mem. now sence this is doing what it is only a dealer can reprogam the compuiter it is 45 dollors to do this task . sorry to have to tell you this but it is better not to dis. battery jumper cables allways pete