Ford Repair: Starting issues 92 bronco, bronco 4x4, neutral safety switch

I have a 1992 Ford bronco 4x4.5.8 v-8, auto trans. It sat for about 2 years, but started once a month. After sitting it developed a problem, where the battery would seem dead and when you turn the key the solenoid would click, but stater wouldnt engage. Batt. volts are 13.2 at the batt and 13.1 at the starter, but the gauge says it's near dead. Same time, the wipers and washer pump quit working, but EVERYTHING else works. I repalaced the wiper motor,control module, negative ground n all other ground cables, and the key switch. Occasionally it will start and the gauge then shows a perfect charge. It also can be put in gear and the solenoid still activates sending power to the starter. I suspect it either the neutral safety switch or the actual ignition switch inside the column. Both effect the starter and power for the wipers runs through the ignition switch, so when you turn off the ignition the wipers "park themselves". No power to the neutral safety switch would prevent the truck from starting and the wipers may think the truck is off and wont power up. The only wires that dont have power are the main wire to the wiper motor, the intermittent module has power. This is my only winter vehicle and any insight you may have will be great. Im a single father and dont have any more money to waste chasing issues. This is a good truck and has never let me down before. Im asking for your opinion on my diagnosis and your diagnosis too. I am a pretty good mechanic and build alot of projects, but electrical stuff has never been my strong suit. Simple wiring, yes. Multiple interconnected systems, not so much. Thank you, in advance brother. Get back to me at my E mail please.

i would agree with you that the problem is most likely in the ignition switch, you can probablt get one cheap at any local slavage yard. curious though, when checking for power at the intermittent module, are you using a test light or meter ?? REason is, if you have a bad ground, you will read voltage on the circuit due to " voltage drop". Meaning, the current is not able to reach it's ground. The best way to check the power at the wiper circuit is to use a small light bulb. connect one end of it to ground and the other to this power circuit. if it lights the, yes you have true" 12 volts" there. if it does not- then the problem you are have a ground issue