Ford Repair: 1999 ford Taurus wont start when warm, fuel pump relay, fuse panel

I starting having this propblem around 9 months ago. While running short erands, one was in and out in 4 minutes. Car would crank but would not start, it was trying but did't start. 1/2 hour later started right up. still had it checked out at service center, could't find the problem. same thing happen again, let it sit for 1/2 hour and car started up. two weeks ago it was very warm outside, I was doing 55 mph and it just stopped. engine would crank but would't start, after an hour (and my car was on an sharp uphill incline)it cranked but still wouldn't start. Had it towed to a shop, and you guessed it, soon as it was off the roll bed, it started. people have told me, fuel pump, ignition coil, crank sensor ect. Last time after driving home from work, I went back out 5 minutes later, it cranked, with a light pooping under the hill like it almost started. Half hour later it started. I don't want to keep pumping money into just trying to figure out what the problem is. Two time I had the engine checked out, fuel pump pressure, and reading the codes.
Please help
Thanks Joe

is your check engine light on ??? there is a computer calibration update for the hard start after a hot soak from ford. that would be problem one. the second is your fuel pump. this reasoning because it died at highway speeds. before replacing it though, if you have your owners manual, under the hood is a fuse panel in it, find and locate the fuel pump relay, replace it. either its getting hot and causing an open circuit of the pump is working to hard and shutting off, this is a safety feature