Ford Repair: 1998 ford mustang 3.8 harmonic balancer, wheel drive vehicles, ford mustang

The harmonic balancer on my 1998 ford mustang 3.8 has to be replaced. When I take off the old one and replace the new one do I need to know any tricks or tips? How do I get the main crank bolt off without the crank spinning?

That is the million dollar question. I find that I have best results when using a breaker bar, in addition using a pipe. A physics instructor told me a saying that stuck with me, "Give me a lever long enough and I can lift the world." Front wheel drive vehicles make it harder because you cannot use a torque converter wrench. Take advantage of your serpentine/v-belt. Use it to hold the balancer in place while you turn the bolt. When the bolt is loose, drop the belt.