Ford Repair: 1984 Ford Bronco, ford bronco, fly wheel

QUESTION: Hi, I'm looking for a vehicle to buy, and so I've been looking on Craigslist for quite some time now, and tonight I found a 1984 Ford Bronco, and I'll quote the seller put in the ad, "i dropped the price to 1500 cause of a broken brake line". How much do you figure it would cost to fix that? Cause he just replied to me saying "You could get it from a junk yard and maybe 10 dollars or pair to lines together from the store cause they don't sell them that long and it would probably cost about 20 dollars." I just hope you can help. Thanks for your time.

P.S. Here's the link for the truck.

ANSWER: to repair the brake line since "they don't make them that long" would mean it is the line from front to rear because all the others are short. is it broke or rusted into because if it is rusted into then i wouldn't touch that truck-would like to see pictures of underneath also
broke line front to rear runs behind fuel tank if it has side tank but it all else checks out i wouldn't let brake line stop me from buying it because its not a major repair.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: With the text that he sent me, "Rear (brake line) its the one that runs from the proportioning valve all the way to the rear".. But at the same time my cousin, whose a mechanic, and my mom, are telling me not to look into the truck because of how I won't be able to test drive it, and the repair of the cost to fix that, and he says the fly wheel will need to replaced, not anytime soon, but my cousin said there is no fly wheel for an automatic. Both of my family members think the guys fishy and doesn't make any sense. So I guess I'm going to go ahead and take there word for it.

all vehicles have some sort of flywheel no matter what you call it-flywheel/flexplate/starter gear etc its all the same.
if you can't test drive it don't bother with it there is enough things that can be wrong with a used vehicle anyway much less one you cant drive. i would forget it.