Ford Repair: 95 escort wagon, amp fuse, ford units

I am Barrie,
Have a 95 escort wagon, bought it about 5 weeks ago and,AC wasn't active, and wanted to see if the man that sold me was telling me the truth,
that the fuse was blown,
and he was right! and his mechanic told him not to use it because it would burn up until he replaced some part,
either shut off valve or relay,  I did not pay that much attention to what he said,
It worked now it don't
could you let me know what it might be?

ANSWER: if i remember the blower and compressor both work off of same fuse and either can be blowing it-but a rubbed wire anywhere can also-if it blows immediatly when replaced you have a dead short if it takes a few seconds probably a component blower etc. have it checked out instead of replacing fuses and hunting the problem because you can ruin a wiring harness otherwise.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Mark,, the AC compressor has a 10 amp separate fuse, to the 25 amp blower fuse, Fan blower motor is still working,
what seems to have happened here is I have lost the power coming from the compressor some how? I think it all still works if I could get the power back, I replaced the compressor fuse and it worked with a cut off switch I installed temporary for 3 days, then it stopped blowing cold air, I checked the fuse to the AC comp/ and its all right , consequently I think the part that the previous owner told me about what his mechanic said it was? has gone out???? But do not recall exactly what he said it was? Auto zone hint at the expansion value switch.

the power comes from the 10 amp fuse then goes through a/c relay to pcm back to wot relay then to compressor-relays are common problem and so if fuse did not blow you may try swapping or replacing relays with ford units they are very inexpensive otherwise it will have to be tested.