Ford Repair: air conditioner, ford taurus, freon


I have a 97 ford Taurus ( 150,000 miles ).  when i turn on the air conditioner just hot air comes out.  Tried all different settings...same results.  Is this freon or something else?  Approximate cost to fix so I know I am not getting ripped off?


without having it checked i have no idea-it will need to be checked if it is out of freon it will have to be charged then checked for where the freon leaked out-if it is compressor you will need compressor/accumulator/orifice tube/pag oil/freon and nec o-rings
depending on engine size which you did not give the 3.0 would be a little less than the 3.8 here approx cost would be 600-700 with a new compressor i will not use a rebuilt because most turn out to be junk lasting less than 2 years-if it is an evaporator core whole dash has to come out again 500 or more