Ford Repair: climate control blows only hot air, ford crown vic, blue sensor

2000 ford crown vic

A/C started to get erratic. It would blow ONLY hot (really, really hot) air, no matter what the climate control setting was.
If I disconnect the battery for 5 minutes it will reset and it would work as it should (blowing really cold air, depending upon the climate control temp setting) If I turn turn off or use the heater the climate control at any settings results in really REALLY hot air through the car.

(Worse: you can't even use the "vent" setting, because that uses the climate controls TOO even "vent" blows really, really hot air

sounds like the in car temp sensor is going bad it is located under dashpad above glove box it is a blue sensor i believe with a small corrugated hose running from sensor to heater case housing it samples air temp from inside car and sends signal to control or module tell it the tempature so it can be adjusted electronically-you could have a bad control head also and they use to be around 400 dollars but temp sensors was common. dashpad will have to be removed to replace it.