Ford Repair: 98 Ford Explorer 4x4 4.0, ford explorer 4x4, test light

My truck ran out of gas, i put 3 gals in it and it fired right up, i brought it home, next day i drove it appox 8 miles, restaring it 3 times, The next day it would not start.. i checked the pressure on the injector, none! I put about 2 more gals. in it, still wouldn't start, changed the in line filter, it was dirty and black, still nothing..... Could it be a pump?

need to check and see if pump is running 2-3 seconds when you turn key on or can hear it run while turning over-if it is not now need to check fuse and take a test light and see if you have power going to pump-if your fuel filter was clogged there is a very good chance you have a bad pump-clogged fuel filters will ruin pumps they need to be changed every 30,000 miles-good luck