Ford Repair: 2005 ford escape electrical, 2005 ford escape, battery connection

QUESTION: I have a 2005 ford escape xlt. My abs light comes on usually when I am on the highway and the 4x4 light flashes. also on a couple of occasions the gauges all went to zero and the radio went off. this only happens for about three seconds then everything works fine again. I hope this is not a lemon

ANSWER: i don't know if i can be of any help on this one or not-i haven't had a lot of escapes in the shop with common problems. mainly just maintenance issues-i do know they have some trouble with alternators and you best use a ford one if you do have a problem, but i don't think this has anything to do with your problem.

if it was in the shop first i would check battery connection for being clean and tight-then check grounds because they can be one of the most aggravating to find but simplest to fix and cause a myriad of problems
if you don't find anything have it checked. good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I had it to the shop and they checked the alternator and all grounds were clean and tight according to them.  i was wondering if  a malfunction in the smart junction box would do this?

a bad connection in the box is certainly possible-

also a bad ignition switch can cause part of the problem but probably not all of them so i would be thinking a module problem maybe gem module
need to take it to ford they may know of a commmon problem with them if they have seen it before.
         good luck!