Ford Repair: 1991 Ford Explorer possible exaust leak, vacuum leak, vacuum hose

O.k. 2 weeks ago veh. started making a what sounded like air leaking out from some where sound on the right side of the engine when accelerating. Tonight it got louder or faster sounding actually and cruise controll wouldn't hold at normal interstate speed so used pedal very difficult to hold 65mph and even louder air leak sound please help you guys rock...

Hey dustin.
To make sure this is an exhaust leak, jam the tail pipe with a rag or just your hand, if there is a leak the sound will get louder. Usualy if there is an exaust leak at the exhaust manifold it will sound alot worse when the engine is cold, but if there is a leak any where else it willl always sound the same. while you have the tail pipe blocked it makes it much much easier to hear where the leak is coming from, all you have to do is locate it and repair. But this may not be an issue with your exhaust, i read here that you cruise control doesnt work any more. i would also look for a vacuum leak, iF there is one it will be easily heard with the engine running, just look around under the hood listening for the leak. If I where you look for the vacuum hose that goes to the vacuum canister for the cruise control.
good luck
Chris P