Ford Repair: 1991 Ford Probe, mazda engine, ford engines

It doesn't have a timing belt as far as I'm aware, also the coil and the power running to the coil is all good, so yeah. Fuses maybe?
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Ok, I just replaced my ignition coil and now the car turns over but does not start, I had a friend watch to see if there was any spark while I tried turing on the engine and there wasn't. I tried googling it and someone said there is a fuel shut off valve in the trunk that gets tripped sometimes but I have no idea where that is? Or do you think that its possibly the spark plugs? Any more suggesttions and help on finding where these parts and valves are would be great. Thanks.

Model is 91' Ford Probe GT 2.2L with a Turbo and its a manual.

If I remember correctly this is a Mazda engine which is different than most other Ford engines. First check the basics. Are you getting power on the positive side of the coil? Check the negative side to see if the test light flashes while you crank the engine. Do you have spark directly at the coil tower?

Also, does this engine have a timing belt and is it good?

Do some checks and let me know what you find.


I forgot to ask you if the car ran before you changed the ignition coil. Also, what was the reason you changed it?

Now, you mentioned that you do have power going to the coil which means your fuses are good.  What is most important though is wether or not the negative side of the coil is being pulsed by the ignition module when the engine is being cranked over.  If it is, your new coil is no good. If not double check that the distributor does turn with the engine. Also, have you checked for an injector pulse?  If you have no injector pulse plus no spark the most likely cause is the crank sensor has failed.

I am sorry that I don't have access to wiring diagrams for your car so that I could be more specific.