Ford Repair: Ford Explorer 90s, refrigerator doors, car doors

My future mother-in-law has a 1990-something ford explorer, if you need more information on the vehicle just let me know. The glove box light is the only problem, no matter if the vehicle is on or off, the glove box light stays on. I looked all around the glove box for the sensor to try and see what was wrong with it but never found it. At this point I am either looking for great help on this problem, and information similar to what a tech would have in the garage of a dealership or shop... Thank you in advance.


AJ- guess would be that whatever triggers the light is somewhere either along the hinges of the door or maybe a button type of switch like you'd find on car doors (or even refrigerator doors).  I've never had cause to go through an Explorer's glove compartment, so I really don't know.  I imagine finding the thing will be the hard part.  If worse comes to worse you can always pull the fuse for it so it won't be sucking power anymore.  Hope this helps.
