Ford Repair: 94 Explorer ABS Brake Module, wheel sensors, disc brakes

Hello! My 94 Explorer has always had problems with the front disc brakes from day one when it was purchased new. Problems like when braking it will pull to one side and the pads generally wear really fast.  Over the years I just learned to live with a brake job every so often.  Recently though it started seems like locking up.  Basically while driving smoke would start comming from the front wheels and you would have to stop the vehicle.  Then it may go a couple of weeks, run just fine when all of a sudden it does the same thing again.

I put it in a repair shop and instructed them to replace the calipers with new ones and new pads plus resurface the rotors.  They also found where the brake lines had kinks in them which also were replaced.

Now that this work has been completed and the vehicle was being test driven whenever you apply the brakes you get the response of the ABS system kicking in "rapid pulsating" on the break pedal "EVERYTIME" not randomly.  It was not doing that before the new brake work was done but I will admit ocassionally when you applied the bakes for a rapid breaking situation I did experience that just not everytime.  If the mechanic uplugs the ABS module the breaks seems to work fine. It is possile that the ABS module on this vehicle has been malfunctioning all along causing the calipers to continously lock up.

Can the ABS module on the vehice be SAFELY bypassed without causing any future problems???


Should I seek to replace this module with one from a salvage vehicle due to the age of this explorer (11 yrs) and keep the ABS system active.


Eric S.

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 I would suggest that you keep the system active. Before you do that, I would check ALL of the ABS wheel sensors, as well as do a pin out test on the ABS module to make sure it has good power and ground source.
Hope this helps,