Ford Repair: 1991 Ford Explorer wiring harness, haynes repair manuel, head gaskets

I am in the process of putting my 1991 Ford Explorer (4.0 Pushrod V6) back together after replacing the head gaskets. I labeled the wiring harness when I disconnected it, but have since realized that the writting on the labels has worn off. I looked in the Haynes repair manuel but can not find any diagrams to help me with this problem. Do you know how I might be able to work through this?

Well usually there is little or no slack built into a wiring harness, and most of the connectors are different from each other.  I would start at one end of the harness and plug in connectors until I reached the other side.  The Dealer may still have Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual's (EVTM) for this year, or close to this year.  It has diagrams and discriptions of every connector and wire in the harness.  They may loan it to you or have you leave a deposit.

I hope this helps,