Ford Repair: bad backfire through intake, lincoln town car, antilock brakes

i know you aren't listed as a lincoln expert but they're pretty close to a ford aren't they? i have a 93 lincoln town car that after i let it set a couple hours it goes about a mile before it stops backfiring through the intake, then it will run fine. also need to change brakes and haven't ever changed antilock brakes. is there anything different about these   than standard old disc brakes i should knowabout before tackling this job? any advice to either of these problems would be greatly appreciated. thank you, don


 You've most likely got one of two problems...either too much fuel or the timing is off.  Possibly a combo of the two.  Timing is usually the big issue with an intake backfire since the intake valve can be open while fuel begins entering the intake track causing it to ignite.  There can be a dozen reasons for either of these problems so I'd recommend having the computer scanned for trouble codes.  My guess is that it's a malfunctioning sensor or something simple like that.  Hope this helps.
