Ford Repair: 1984 ford bronco 2, ford bronco 2, ford bronco

bronco has manual trannie, would a cracked flywheel cause the failure of starters. my son has gone through three. last owner went through six. couldn't find problem, sold bronco. did solve problem for a while, shimmed starter. last owner said he'd changed flywheel, but didn't solve problem. i took trannie out and when i got flywheel out, found crack. since the one last owner replaced original with one from wrecking yard. maybe, one from wrecking yard had crack that nobody noticed then. you can see it pretty plain now. thank you. sherry lee wilson

Ms. Wilson,

Yes, a cracked flywheel will cause starter failure.Are you making sure that you are putting in a correct tooth number flywheel? It sounds as though your flywheel does not have the correct number of teeth on it. Hope that this helps and good luck.
