Honda Repair: CV Boot, cv boot, honda accord

I have a 2000 Honda Accord and the outside CV boot recently ripped apart. I have the oil changed every 3000 miles and the boots are inspected each time at the dealer. When I recently changed a front tire, I noticed the tear in the boot in between oil changes thus the mileage is very low in regards to when it actually ripped apart.

I don't hear a clicking noise yet, even when I make turns. I believe the mileage is so low after it ripped, that it might not have caused any damage.

Based on your experience, would it be acceptable to have only the boot replaced and not the axle? A new axle is about $400 plus labor. I didn't have good results with remanufactured axles on my other accord, so I rule this option out.

Anyway. what do you think being that the mileage is so low after the boot ripped?

Thank you for your effort.

Yes, it is definitely acceptable. The only reason you need to replace the whole thing is if there are a lot of miles on the axle or if it is damaged.

If you just replace the boot be sure that the mechanic puts new, fresh grease inside the boots.