Honda Repair: 1994 honda accord lx very slow acceleration from a stopped position, air control valve, honda accord lx

QUESTION: I recently purchased a 1994 honda accord lx with a 2.2 L motor.
when i bought it the check engine light was on. when you first crank it up when its cold it runs great until the engine warms up and i stop at a red light. once stopped and i try to take off the car has no get up and go until i get rolling about 15 mph or so. so i took it to oreillys and they got 2 codes: code 12 and code 14  code 12 shows to be a EGR LIFT SENSOR  and code 14 showed to be a idle air control valve so i bought a idle air control valve and replaced it and that did not fix the problem.I  disconnected the battery  and the check engine light is still on.

ANSWER: There are several things that can cause code 12. It can be caused by a bad EGR valve, not enough vacuum to the valve, etc. Most of the time a new EGR valve will fix it, but not always.

As far as code 14, the first thing to check is the connector to the valve. Sometimes the connectors push out far enough that they don't make good contact. I would also check the wiring to the valve.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have still been tinkering with this problem and what I have noticed is if I pull up to a red light
With the ac button on it doesn't want to take off and if I turn off the ac button it accelerates
With no problem. I also have a problem with the ac not getting cold I'm wondering if there is something
Wrong with my ac system causing this problem.

The AC system puts a big strain on the engine when it is on so that is probably why it won't take off when the AC is on. I don't think the AC is the reason it is not taking off.
Your AC probably is low on refrigerant.

It is possible that these two problems are inter-related but not likely.