Honda Repair: 96 honda prelude si, honda prelude, coolant system

i have a 96 Honda prelude si with the 2.3 h23a and i change the water pump thermostat all sensors. For some reason it continues to over heat what could be causing that? I personally don't want to think head gasket because the previous owner had the head machined and redone before I purchased the vehicle and that was less that 5k ago but i don't know how long it has been since the head was redone. Could it be a possible head gasket even when the coolant doesn't mix with the oil and the radiator is still clean? what could this be?

Joe, bleed the coolant system. About 75% of the time there are air bubbles trapped within the different regions of the cooling system. There should be a 12mm pep-cock style of bolt near or around the thermostat area-region. It has an eye in the center which allows for air bubbles to release from. You can also do the same thing by removing the radiator cap and allow the engine to run. Takes about 15 minutes. Tighten everything down. Drive the car. Do this procedure all over again. Repeat as neccessary.