Honda Repair: 89 honda accord lxi, aftermarket stereo, stereo shop

The problem we are having with our car is that when you
first start the vehicle up the stereo will not turn on right
away and the heater will not turn on at all. And if the
stereo is on when you flip the heater switch to on it shuts
off the radio and the heater still doesn't turn on. I have
replaced the positive lead on the batter cable and put a new
battery in it.. any advice would be helpful.

Dustin, someone has put in an aftermarket stereo? Whichever this is an electrical wiring issue within the dash. Somehow some wires have been broken or jumped into the stereo wiring or heater wiring. Take this to a stereo shop and let them fix the problem. Or you can do it too but, you should have some knowledge about what you are getting into before attempting.