Honda Repair: 05 pilot rattling noise(metallic?), rear muffler, muffler shop

hello, my pilot makes a rattling noise between 32-40mph only while in motion, you let off the gas and the noise goes away. doesn't do it all the time. has 82k.seems to do it at a certain rpm. while in park engine reved to same rpm no noise smooth as can be. whats the deal?thanx

Ron, ratteling between certain mph and only with the gas would indicate to me that you have an exhaust system component loose. I have not heard of any recalls, but, with 82K it is not unheard of for things to possibly loosen up over time and abuse. You can check this your self in your own garage. Start by physically inspecting the exhaust system for missing or damaged parts. Then physically checking the bolts for tightness. Inspect everything from the exhaust manifold near motor to the rear muffler. Also look around the front suspension for loose parts too.

If wanting to pay someone take to a muffler shop for a free inspection. Explain to the the problem. Have them explain everything to you too before fixing or paying for a service.