Honda Repair: 1990 honda accord, worst case scenario, torque converter

I can't get my car to come out of park. I can use the key switch on the console and it works. I have noticed that i have to down shift to 1-2-3-4 to get to speed and i have no "passing power" in D-4. I have replaced brake switch, and neutral solenoid but no luck. please help

John, hard question to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. I think the Automatic Transmission shifter cable could be damaged or out of adjustment. This runs from the shifter to the transmission underneath the car. There is also a kickdown cable that runs from the throttle body to the transmission. This could be damaged or simply out of adjustment. These older Accords tend to experience problems like this from time to time from wear and tear. Worst case scenario = replace the transmission and torque converter.